Ann Gorman


In fall 1993, I studied stage management with the late Michael Foley and Bill Walters. I had the honor to work with Uta Hagan, Fritz Weaver and Charles Nelson Reilly as an ASM on Vincent Canby’s “After All”. I remember Ms Hagan would bring her dog GB to rehearsals and she called me “The Saint”! I guess because I rarely complained and tried to stay focused. I also had the pleasure to work with the late Marjorie Sigley, better known as Sigi on a the holiday production, St George and the dragon at Christmastide, which happened to be one of Ms Hagan’s favorite plays. She attended almost every performance. In addition to these productions, I worked on many workshops with talented, professional artists. My time at HB, taught me discipline, organization and boosted my self esteem. I am very proud to have been a student and part of such an esteemed school. I know my experience was not unique, but want to express my gratitude for being given the opportunity to work with your playwright foundation.

HB Studio page 1 (1)

HB Studio page 2

A feature article I wrote about HB Studio in 1994 for a small theatrical publication.
A feature article I wrote about HB Studio in 1994 for a small theatrical publication.