Movement for Actors 2

HB Studio offers both online classes and in-person classes at the Studio. Before your first class, please review the information outlined on the relevant page(s). Class titles below indicate which are running online vs. in person

IN-PERSON CLASSES meet 1 session per week for the full 10-week term

ONLINE CLASSES meet 1 session per week and are offered in 5-week Parts. Sign up for either Part A or Part B independently (5 weeks each), or join both for the full 10-week term. You may join Part B without taking Part A.

Movement for Actors 2 builds off of the explorations of awareness, expression, and transformation you began building in Level I. We will continue that training (specifically through the Open Choreography), as well as continuing the mindfulness and strengthening component of the class. In the first few weeks, we dive deeper into the compositional work of the Laban Efforts, which become the springboard for a final composition choreography project, where you will be asked to create your very own movement piece. By the end of the term, students should demonstrate a significant increase in the ability to take physical and emotional risks, and be able to sense this growth within themselves. This growth should be evident in the student’s sense of emotional and physical expansion, which is to say, a wider range of expression as an artist, and a deeper connection to their body as a whole.


Michelle Uranowitz