IN PERSON: Bernard- Alexander Technique (Part A)- Winter Term 2022

Online Teaching Statement from Martha Bernard: “The Alexander Technique is focused on the use of our bodies and is inherently personal individual work. This lends itself well to the online environment we are currently working in. Our work puts emphasis on how we move through our daily life activities because we believe how you live in your body the majority of the time has profound effects on the relative freedom or tension of your physical instrument. It’s ideal to work in your own place with your own furniture, kitchen, computer etc. In your own environment you can more easily examine how you use your body in all the daily activities that we usually pay no attention to. As your awareness heightens you will find it easier to connect to your body throughout the day. For class you won’t need a lot of room, just enough for a yoga mat and a chair, sofa or bed – something that you sit on other than the floor. Though your work is on yourself you will also get to know and work with each other on various exercises along the way, developing shared experiences and community.”


  • Time:
    Every week on Monday
    January 10, 2022 – February 14, 2022
    4:30 pm – 6:00 pm ET
  • Description: The Alexander Technique is a gentle method through which you gradually learn to free yourself from unconscious physical habits that … Continue reading
  • Instructor: Martha Bernard
  • Location: HB Studio, Second Floor Studio, 120 Bank Street, New York, NY 10014
  • Class Code: MB4M-A