McElwee- Speaking Voice 1 (Part B)- Fall Term 2020

Part B: Text: Structure, De-structure, Re-Structure, Play – This Zoom Speaking Voice Level 1 class, will serve as a Text workshop, guiding you through an exploration of the structure of heightened text; poetry, speeches, spoken word. A review of the principles of De-Structuring in the first two sessions, will lead to an introduction to the Fitzmaurice Voicework concept of Re-Structuring and Focus Line. We will also employ Uta Hagen’s Six Steps, as a foundational structure for work on text and the voice. The class will culminate in an informal in-class sharing of a brief heightened text of your choosing. A yoga mat, props such as a cushion, sturdy pillow, or zafu meditation cushion will be useful, but are not required.

Online teaching statement from instructor Theresa McElwee: “We forge social connections, and make our experience known through language and most especially, through our voices. Much is being asked of us, in this moment. There is an opportunity here, to become more present, more engaged, to reach out with more energy, and with more care. On a more practical level, Voice, Speech and Dialect coaching and teaching is frequently offered online, and so this work is easily accommodated in a virtual space. My aim is to help you fill that space, so that when you emerge, you are an even more powerful actor, with  an even greater capacity to make your presence known and your voice heard.”


  • Time:
    Every week on Saturday
    October 24, 2020 – November 21, 2020
    12:00 pm – 2:00 pm ET
  • Description: Training in voice work begins with the cultivation of deep physical awareness. Specific attention will be given to how the … Continue reading
  • Instructor: Theresa McElwee
  • Location: Online Via Zoom, , ,
  • Class Code: MCW12SA-B