Playwright: Evgeny Shwartz
Director: Marlene Mancini
Cast: Barbara Coggin, Jake Maile, Charles Bender, Jonathan Margulies, Karen Leslie, Jack Bittner, Timothy Farmer, John Freiman, Deborah Machale, Rachel Arp, Carol Sirugo, John Patterson, Madeleine Gruen, Ian Klapper and Carl Dunner
Set: Bil Baird Lighting: David H. Murdock Costumes: Patricia Adshead Music and Lyrics: Carol Hall Technical Director: Timothy Farmer Stage Manager: Amy Darnton Assistant Stage Managers: Jaime McIntosh and Sherri Wisoff Assistant Lighting Designer: Michael Shisko Assistant Costume Designer: Irma Levesque Production Electricians: Julia McLaughlin and Michael Levine
The Two Maples was performed of the year 1979.