HB Studio Production of Short Eyes
Playwright: Miguel Pinero
Director: William Carden
Cast: Ted Brunson, Cooley, Doc Dougherty, Ian Friday, Danny Gonzales, H. Clark Kee, Rey Lucas, Joseph Murphy, Andre Royo, Otto Sanchez, Alem Brhan Sapp, Bill Timmins, Guy Whitlock
Set: Ray Recht Lightning: Chris Dallos Costumes: Tonya Canada Sound: Becca Blackwell Fight: Ian Marshall Technical Director: Carlo Adonolfi Casting: Nadette Stasa Production Stage Manager: Kimberly I. Kefgen
Short Eyes was performed November 5th – 22nd
Synopsis: This powerful drama of prison life is set in a house of detention where a group of young convicts-predominantly black and Puerto Rican-taunt, fight, insult, and entertain one another in an attempt to preserve their sanity and to create a semblance of community. When a young white prisoner accused of child molesting is thrown into the cell block by a guard who says he belongs in Sing Sing because “the men up there konw what to do with degenerates like you,” the stage is set for an explosive series of events; for, among prisoners, this child molester called “short eyes” is the lowest of criminals.